Books Which Can Change Our Mindset


Human beings are emotional. They get affected easily with the events happening in their life. Any sort of downward fall in their life is taken emotionally by them and they tend to feel sad, low and unmotivated. They tend to lose courage to move ahead in life with a positive attitude.

When we are feeling unmotivated we need to look for the sources which can provide us the motivation to forget the bad phase, make us more confident and help us let go of bad things. One such prime source for this positivity are books.

Books are that one source which you can read as per your willingness and they help us in understanding the things clearly with the illustrations. Moreover, you can read them again and again till you understand the concept and are able to imply it in your life. Most importantly, books always give an unbiased explanation towards things.

There are ample books written by different authors who have given their insight about life and help in making you feel motivated. Following are the couple of books which really helped me change my perspective towards life and made me a better person.


Priya Kumar is a young writer who has shared experiences from her own life. She has penned down the problems faced by her in her life and how, by using different life methods she was able to learn to let go of the bad incidents and people from her life, changed the perspective of looking towards life and help you feel motivated and confident. She has used very beautiful examples to make the reader understand the concept clearly and apply them in their life and have a better life ahead.


Out of the many books written by Robin Sharma this is one his best. This book helps in understanding the concept of having a proper schedule in your life and equally important is planning things in your life. It says that if you have a proper day’s schedule and you follow it religiously then it becomes the driving force for a person to become successful.

The schedule is supposed to have all the necessary ingredients throughout the day like proper time to plan the work, exercising in the morning, executing your tasks as per the planning, relaxing and enjoying yourself. This book is certainly the best to feel motivated and understand that you can make a difference in your life.


This book is an autobiography written by Mr.Phil Knight who is the creator of the world class brand of ‘NIKE’. In his autobiography he has shared about life and how he built the brand of Nike right from the scratch. He has shared about the problems he faced during his working and how he overcame them. Reading his story is surely an inspiration and guiding path for many many people who are aspiring to become successful in their lives and therefore making the world a better place.

Well, the suggestions are many and once we start reading we will know more about such books. We should read them, try to apply and do whatever we can do best with our lives. I am sharing few more inspiring books The Wise Man Said, Turn The Tables, The Calling , License to Live, The 7 habits of highly effective people, The Subtle Art of no giving a fuck, The Alchemist, The Monk who sold his Ferrari , Ikigai and lastly The Secret by Rhonda Byrne which changed my lifestyle in a positive way 🙂

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